The 3 A's

In less than 3 minutes, you can make a difference in the health of your patients. Integrating the 3A's into daily practice significantly increases quit attempts. Screen every patient, at every visit, and ensure that smoking and vaping is asked about and documented.

Ensure smoking and vaping status is documented.

“Have you smoked or vaped in the last 6 months?”

Urge every person who smokes or vapes to quit in a way that is personally relevant.

“I know you’re here today because you care about your [dental/heart/etc.] health, so the best advice I can give you is to stop smoking. If you like, I can help you with that.”

Help them make a quit plan. Review the Don’t Quit Quitting site together, or download this booklet.

See the HELP QUITTING sections “In Your Community” and “Across Ontario” for options

“Let’s talk about some ways that we can set you up for success. It can take more than one try, but there are lots of ways to improve your chances.”

3 A's Brief Contact Intervention Training

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