Tools & Supports
CAMH Nicotine Dependence Clinic
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) offers a hub for healthcare providers looking for more information and tools to support patients who are looking to quit smoking or vaping.
Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation
Clinical practice guidelines for healthcare providers to consistently identify and treat all tobacco users using available medication and support.
CAMH smoking cessation toolkit
Provides practical information on screening, assessing and managing patients who are trying to quit smoking. It includes links to other professional resources, including best practice guides and patient information materials, such as self-help resources.
Smokers’ Helpline for Healthcare and other Partners
- Evidence-based, ongoing support for your client at key times during the quitting process
- Tailored education and resources delivered by smoking cessation experts
- Access to the latest, innovative cessation programs
- Information about other resources in your clients’ community
CAMH 7 Tips to Lower your Risk While Using Nicotine
Guidelines and facts on the most and least risky ways to use nicotine.